A Sumo Wrestler's Daily Routine: Getting to Know the Life of a Sumo Wrestler

Sumo is a traditional Japanese sport, and wrestlers combine rigorous training with a daily routine to enhance their competitiveness. In this article, I will detail the daily routine of a sumo wrestler in my former sumo stable

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Sumo wrestler's morning 

・ Sumo wrestlers wake up early in the morning

they get up at 5:00 a.m. to prepare for practice. Basically, they do not eat breakfast. Some other sumo stables have a banana or a light breakfast. I heard that the reason for this is that eating breakfast may cause vomiting during the rigorous practice sessions

・Morning practice

Practice begins at 6:00 in the morning. At first, we do basic "Shiko" and "suriasi". After that, "Mousiai", "Samban-geiko", and "Battling practice" are held. Sumo practice will be introduced in another article in the future

・After morning practice

Lower-ranked rikishi cook "chanko-nabe" for lunch during practice. The lower-ranked rikishi clean up afterwards and then take a nap

A Sumo Wrestler's Midday Routine

・After a nap

Basically, the rikishi wake up at 4:00 p.m. and start setting the topknots. The topknots are set by a specialized craftsman called a "tokoyama," or topknot maker


The rikishi below the ranks then clean their rooms and practice areas to clean them up for tomorrow's practice

・"Chanko-ban" or practice

We are divided into three groups to cook dinner, so every three days we have a role to cook dinner, which is called "Chanko-ban". On the other days, they go to the gym for strength training or to get a massage to tone their bodies. Although wrestlers are expected to eat "chanko-nabe" all the time, at night they eat the same food as ordinary families, which is not "chanko-nabe.

Sumo wrestler's night routine

・Sumo wrestlers' dinner

From around 7:00 p.m., wrestlers who have finished training and those of higher rank eat dinner. Rikishi often say that they eat until their jaws get tired, and many times I have had to quit eating not because I was full, but because my jaw got tired

・After dinner 

From around 7:00 p.m., wrestlers who have finished training and those of higher rank eat dinner. Rikishi often say that they eat until their jaws get tired, and many times I have had to quit eating not because I was full, but because my jaw got tired

・After dinner 

Basically free time, everyone is free to watch TV, do laundry, play games, etc


The room I was in had a curfew, which was 10:00 pm. I think other sumo rooms also have a curfew

・What time do wrestlers go to bed? 

Lights out at 10:00 p.m. It is a regular life

Sumo wrestling Rikishi's Holidays

・Once a month off

Basically, once a month, I have a day off from training. On that day, I would cook or go out to eat whatever I wanted for lunch or dinner. We were free to train or not, and most rikishi went to the gym to train

・Post-tournament vacation

A one-week vacation after each of the six tournaments held each year. If you advance in rank and become a Sekitori, you can spend your vacation more freely


The world of sumo is built on rigorous training and a regular lifestyle. Sumo wrestlers work tirelessly, day in and day out, and the result is the fascinating sport of sumo. We were able to sneak into their daily routine and get a glimpse of the rigor and depth of their lives.

Early morning practice, meals, cleaning, and evening training and rest. These elements are essential for rikishi to improve their competitiveness and establish themselves as top athletes on a daily basis. The monthly vacations and long vacations after competitions also contribute to keeping them mentally balanced and motivated.

Sumo wrestlers maintain discipline in their demanding lives and are passionate about improving their own skills and mental abilities. Let us salute their hard work and spirit of service and look forward to their success at the next tournament. And we hope that you, our readers, have found this article on the fascinating world of sumo fascinating and interesting.

The world of sumo is an environment that demands rigorous training and discipline, and wrestlers devote their bodies and minds to it throughout the day. By infiltrating their daily routines, we can gain a deeper understanding of the fascination of sumo and their endeavors. Let's look forward to seeing how much they accomplish at the next tournament

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